Bike Accident Attorney Serving Rowland Heights for Over 26 Years
As bicyclists know, it’s tough to compete against the speed and weight of a motor vehicle. Even what might seem as a minor incident with another cyclist, (let alone a vehicle), can cause serious injuries due to the vulnerable nature of riding a bike. For over 26 years, The Paris Firm has represented clients who were injured in bike accidents in Rowland Heights. Since 1994, our founder, injury attorney Eric Paris has obtained the maximum financial compensation for cyclists who were injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Many bike accident victims don’t even realize that compensation is available. Even if you were injured in a single vehicle bicycle accident or were the victim of hit and run, you should talk to a skilled and experienced bike accident lawyer attorney serving Rowland Heights to find out about potential compensation.
When Should you Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney?
If you were injured in a collision with a car or truck, you might assume that the driver of the vehicle will be found at fault and that you’ll easily be able to collect compensation with a simple insurance claim. Unfortunately, it is rarely ever that simple when it comes to bike accidents. The insurance companies fight hard to avoid paying, or attempt to pay far less than you deserve, even when it can be proven that you had the right of way.
In bicycle accidents there are sometimes factors such as defective bicycle or parts or roadway defects that can open up avenues of compensation for your injuries in accidents where victims are often under the impression that no compensation is available.
Getting you Maximum Compensation for Your Bike Accident Claim
Bicycle accident injuries are often severe and can be life-altering. Adequate compensation will be necessary to pay for all of the costs of your injuries, even when those costs are ongoing for the rest of your life. You may be able to recover for economic non-economic damages including:
- Lost income, future lost income, and lost earning capacity
- Physical and mental pain and suffering
- Diminished quality of life
- Medical expenses and future medical expenses
- Home health care and custodial care
Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents
When cyclists and cars collide, negligence on the part of the driver is often to blame. A driver can also cause a bicyclist to crash while performing evasive or irresponsible maneuvers, without a collision with the car. Common forms of driver negligence and wrongdoing which can lead to bicycle accidents include:
- Intoxicated drivers
- Drivers who violate bicyclists’ right of way
- Distracted drivers
- Drivers who do not know the rules of the road regarding bicycles
- Drivers who choose not to share the road
- Drivers who fail to signal when turning or pulling out from the curb
- Drivers who open their car door into the path of a bicyclist
- Unsafe passing of a bicyclist
Other common causes of bicycle accidents include:
- Defective bicycle or parts
- Improperly marked or poorly designed bike paths, streets and bike lanes
- Other roadway defects, such as potholes, malfunctioning traffic signals, or faulty streetlights
We Have the Experience That Gets Results
When the cyclist is found by the police to be at fault, the insurance company usually denies the claim. We don’t take “no” for an answer. We ignore the insurance company denial and file a lawsuit to aggressively pursue the rights of our client to present their claim for injuries.
Is a Rowland Heights Bike Accident Lawyer Needed to Assist With My Injury Claim?
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury or wrongful death due to the negligence, recklessness, or carelessness of another driver, you have the right to obtain financial compensation for the damages you have suffered. Call The Paris Firm today at (909) 551-4040 and schedule a no obligation consultation – serving bike accident victims in Rowland Heights, CA and the surrounding Los Angeles area. If there is no recovery there is no fee and there are no up-front out of pocket fees. Our firm advances costs on behalf of our clients.