Best Buy, the major electronics retailer operating in California and elsewhere in the U.S., recently got into a lot of trouble for allegedly selling items that had been recalled due to dangerous product defects.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) investigated Best Buy and determined that the retailer had sold no fewer than 16 recalled products (and 600 recalled items) over a period of five years, from September 2010 to October 2015.

The majority of the recalled products sold at Best Buy during this timeframe were Canon cameras, with the other recalled products sold after their recall dates including Gree Dehumidifiers, LG washing and drying machines, and Toshiba computers. Most of the recalled products presented significant health and safety risks to consumers, such as fires caused by product flammability and skin irritations caused by chemical leakage.

Now Best Buy has avoided serious liability in connection with the misconduct by reaching an agreement with the CPSC. The settlement calls for Best Buy to pay $3.8 million in penalties and implement new compliance procedures to ensure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again in the future.

After the retailer arrived at the agreement with the CPSC, Jeff Shelman, the senior director of external communications at Best Buy, spoke with the media and said that the company deeply regrets having failed to promptly remove the dangerous items from store shelves as soon as the product recalls were announced. Shelman also tried to reassure consumers by stating that the company has “taken steps—in cooperation with the CPSC—to help prevent these issues from reoccurring.”

It is important for consumers to realize that Best Buy’s deal with the federal government does not minimize the retailer’s liability in connection with individuals who sustained injuries or illnesses as a result of using the recalled products. Anyone who purchased one of the recalled items from Best Buy and subsequently suffered an injury should talk to a qualified product liability lawyer immediately.

For further information, read the article, “Best Buy Is Getting Fined for Selling Recalled Products.”

If you or a loved one was injured due to use of a defective product, you need a knowledgeable personal injury and product liability attorney on your side. At The Paris Firm, we can help. Contact The Paris Firm now to schedule a free initial consultation.